Personal Development
Preparing students for current and future challenges in life
The PSHE curriculum for sixth form
•The PSHE curriculum for sixth form (including elements of relationships and sex education and careers, advice and guidance) is drawn from the PSHE Association Programme of Study, also incorporating key concepts of citizenship. We also use several other quality assured websites or resources It is delivered over a two year rolling programme with different aspects linked to the core components covered each year. There are recurring themes of current affairs, mental wellbeing and planning for the future that remain a focus throughout the two year programme.
•From September 2023, PSHE will be taught via a one hour timetabled session each week, in addition to the sixth form tutor program and collective worship. Visitors also complement the curriculum as this allows students to explore some topics in greater depth within smaller groups.
Core components
•Fundamental British Values
•Drugs and alcohol education
•Emotional health and wellbeing
•Sex and relationship education (RSE)
•Nutrition and physical activity
•Economic understanding, enterprise and personal finance
•Personal safety
•Careers education and the UCAS process
•Living in the wider world
What is covered in our curriculum
Year 12 |
Year 13 |
Developing a sixth form mindset •Mental and physical health and wellbeing •Personal safety including: online safety; knife crime; safe driving; drugs awareness and county lines; ‘safe partying’ •SRE: sexting and sexual harassment (including reporting sexual harassment)
•LGBT •Celebrating diversity •Medical ethics •SRE: consent; body positivity; coercive relationships; contraception and safe sex
•Extremism •Forced marriage •FGM •Democracy |
UCAS, careers and next steps •Staying safe online and offline •Mental health and wellbeing •First aid •Stress management: meditation and relaxation techniques •Finance and budgeting •Tolerance •SRE: pornography addiction; what is ‘good sex’; STI’s
•Revision techniques |
The timing of some topics may vary depending on the availability of external speakers.
External agencies that support the delivery of PSHE at KS5
•External speakers are used to enhance the delivery of PSHE in the sixth form. All external speakers deliver in line with our safeguarding procedures.
•are suitably vetted prior to being booked
•are qualified to deliver PSHE sessions at KS5
•are supervised by a member of staff at all times when on school premises
•understand the contribution they make to the broader PSHE programme
•are aware of the school ethos and values
Our aim is to provide for the personal development of all students, and also monitor the quality with which we implement this work
We ensure we are:
•Responsible, respectful and active citizens who are able to play their part and become actively involved in public life as adults
•Equality of opportunity
•Students to recognise online and offline risks to their wellbeing
•Readiness for the next phase of education, training or employment
•An effective careers programme in line with the government’s statutory guidance
We quality assure:
•observations of pupils and staff
•Discussions with pupils and staff
•Evaluating the curriculum