
I am delighted to welcome you to our Sixth Form.  I really hope that by exploring our website and reading what our students think of the Sixth Form, you will get a real flavour for what we are all about at Slough and Eton. Choosing a Sixth Form is a really important and difficult choice to make. You want a Sixth Form that is going to set you up academically for your future, but also enables you to flourish as people. You want a Sixth Form that provides a range of opportunities for you to develop yourselves and to give you the edge. You want a Sixth Form that champions you to achieve your best and holds you to account if you can do better, but also looks after your wellbeing and who you are.

I believe at Slough and Eton, we do all of these things. I am really proud of our Sixth Form. We are a vibrant place of learning. We treat you like young adults and expect you to behave accordingly. It is because of this approach, we get such strong results and students tell us they enjoy attending our Sixth Form and would recommend us to a friend.

Please read the information below and click on the subject tabs to find out more about our qualifications.

We welcome the opportunity to give external students a tour of the Sixth Form after school. These need to be booked in advance – please contact to book a slot.

I look forward to receiving your application form.


Mr Weeks

Assistant Headteacher - Head of Sixth Form



Academic opportunities

We offer a huge range of subjects and different pathways to enable you to study the right course for your future. We offer traditional A-level subjects, BTEC vocational and OCR technical courses. All of our courses are chosen with our community in mind. We believe that it is so important to study the right course for you – one that excites you and sparks your imagination but also one that provides you with the right platform for the next stage in your life.


Personal opportunities

If you attend our Sixth Form, you will not just be getting great teaching and great results. We will develop you as people. We will make sure that you have the opportunities to develop your leadership, organisational, resilience and communication skills in order to make sure you stand out from the ground – whether that’s on a UCAS application, degree apprenticeship or employment. There ae lots of opportunities available to you. We have a well established Student Leadership team which is made up from with Head and Deputy Head students, Senior Prefects and a Prefect team. These students have real responsibility in organising school events as well as the day to day running of the school. We also have a range of committees that are student led. These include a fundraising committee and a wellbeing committee. Student voice is really important to us as we want you to enjoy and have a really positive experience throughout your Sixth Form years.



We believe you should be treated differently once you enter the Sixth Form. Therefore, there are a number of privileges we offer our Sixth Form students.

-        Student leadership positions

-        Dress down Friday’s

-        Opportunities to attend additional workshops

-        Leave early – timetable permitting

-        Business dress

-        Sixth Form restaurant

-        Sixth Form Coffee Shop

-        Access to computers during private studies

-        Enrichment – Sports Leaders and Duke of Edinburgh scheme

-        Committees

-        Societies 

-        Access to school WiFi