Physical Education
Physical Education (PE) is one of the foundation subjects of the national curriculum and forms a compulsory part of the curriculum which all students follow.
Core PE is intended to promote physical activity, improve skills used in sporting activities and encourage students to go on to lead a healthy lifestyle in the future. Students will have the opportunity to participate in a range of sporting activities with the hope that you will find something that you enjoy and wish to continue into your later life.
You will be given the option during your core PE lessons as to which sport/activity you wish to participate in and this will be done on a half termly basis. So you will participate in one sport/activity for a half term before being given the option to change to another sport/activity.
You will be expected to arrive to core PE with the appropriate kit (plain black tracksuit bottoms with either a plain white or black t-shirt/jumper). Hoodies will not be allowed.
Where does it Lead to?
The skills you will learn through sport and physical activity will help to improve your employment prospects for the future. Skills such as improved teamwork, communication, confidence, leadership and resilience will all help to make you more attractive to universities and employers.
There is no obligatory assessment for core PE; progress will be fed back to parents through a work hard, be nice, no excuses learning grade when reports are sent home.
Key Contact: Head of PE – Miss Kelleway (