
BTEC Sport Webinar

Welcome to our Webinar on our BTEC Sport course. 

Sport BTEC Level 3 National Extended Certificate

Examination Board: Pearson

Introduction: BTEC Level 3 National Extended Certificate in Sport will help you to succeed in your future career within the sport and active leisure sector. It is designed to give you access to higher sports awards (Degree courses etc.) and support your career aspirations. This is a vocational, work related, qualification that will help to provide you with the knowledge, understanding and skills that are relevant to your chosen subject. It is equivalent to one A Level.

Where does it lead? It provides an introduction to the sector for learners looking to build a career in sport, within one of its occupational areas. These areas include careers in exercise and fitness, teaching PE, coaching and leadership, sports development, sports development and the outdoors. This qualification can also be used as an entry point to higher education.

Course Details: This course is assessed through assignments and two external examinations. The coursework units are assessed by the school and moderated by the awarding body and the examination units are sat during January of each year.

Examination Details:


Mandatory Units

How they are assessed?



Anatomy and Physiology

Written exam set and marked by Pearson


1 hour and 30 minutes



Fitness Training and Programming for Health, Sports and Well-being

A task set and marked by Pearson and completed under supervised conditions.


In Part A, learners will be given a case study one week before the supervised assessment period in order to carry out the preparation.


In Part B, the supervised assessment period is 2 hours and 30 minutes and timetabled by Pearson.


Written submission. 60 marks



Professional Development in the Sports Industry

Internally assessed assignment



Fitness Testing

Internally assessed assignment




Key Contact: Curriculum Leader- Miss E. Kelleway (