
History A-level Webinar

Welcome to this webinar on A-level History. 

A-Level History

Examination Board: OCR


History is a fascinating and diverse subject which will allow you to study a wide-range of topics as well as develop your transferable skills of analysis, interpretation and writing - all skills that universities and employers are looking for, putting it in the top 4 most respected A Levels by universities. History at Slough and Eton is taught by committed and enthusiastic teachers, all of whom are specialists in their subjects, have experience of working Post 16 students and are prepared to support you every step of the way to help you achieve your full potential.

In Year 12 the course allows students to study the history of more than one country or state in addition to the study of British history. In Year 13, students undertake a thematic study covering an extended period of history of approximately 100 years. Finally, students will explore a topic they have an interest in through a piece of coursework. The course provides an intriguing and essential insight into the world we live in, with powerful connections to current affairs.

By the end of course students will have learned how to argue effectively, backing their points with evidence; how to evaluate and analyse information and how to weigh up evidence and communicate complex ideas. These skills are recognised and valued by employers, universities and colleges. History remains one of the most respected and valued A Levels.

Where does it Lead?

The skills developed in History are highly regarded by universities and employers as a traditional subject with academic rigour. A qualification in A Level History is highly regarded by universities and employers as a traditional subject with academic rigour. History can lead to careers in law, politics, journalism, teaching, architecture, market research, broadcasting, museums, the armed services or business management.

Course Details  -  A-level

First year of study
Modules Assessment
Tudors (Enquiry topic: Mid-Tudor Crisis 1485-1603

25% or 50 marks of A-Level

1 hour and 30 minutes written examination

Russia 1894-1941

15% or 40 marks of A-Level

1 hour exam written examination


Second year of study
British and Irish Question 1798-1921

40% or 80 marks of A-Level

2 hour 30 minutes written examination

Students will complete a 3,000-4,000 word essay on a topic of their choice, which may arise out of content studied elsewhere in the course.

20% or 40 marks of A-Level

This is a non-exam assessment


Key Contact: Curriculum Leader - Mr A Byrne (aby@slougheton.com)