
A-level Biology Webinar

Welcome to our webinar on A-level Biology. 

A-level Biology

Exam Board: Edexcel Salters-Nuffield (Biology A)


This course is ideal for you if you are interested in how different areas of Biology can relate to each other to build a better understanding of the world around us. Salters Nuffield provides you with a stimulating and challenging course that links the underlying concepts with student experience and cutting edge biology.

The topics include:

  1. Lifestyle, Health and Risk                                              6. Immunity, Infection and Forensics
  2. Genes and Health                                                             7. Run for your Life (exercise physiology)
  3. Voice of the Genome                                                     8. Grey Matter ( neurobiology)
  4. Biodiversity and Natural Resources
  5. On the Wild Side

 Where does it Lead to?

Undertaking this course and gaining a qualification in Biology enables you to apply for a variety of Biological Science based degrees at Higher Education Institutions. Biology A-level provides a fantastic scaffold for vocational pathways such as Medicine, Dentistry, Veterinary Sciences, Dieticians, Nursing and Pharmacology. It also provides a pathway into degrees such as Biomedical Sciences, Sports Sciences, Forensic Science and more.

 Course Detail:

This is a two year linear course. Students will sit their examinations at the end of the second year.

A Level Modules:

2nd Year of Study


Paper 1

Topics 1-6

●        33.33% of A Level

●        2 hours of written examination

●        100 marks that consist of short-open, multiple choice, calculations and extended writing questions

Paper 2

Topics 1-4 & 7-8

●        33.33% of A Level

●        2 hours of written examination

●        100 marks that consist of short-open, multiple choice, calculations and extended writing questions

Paper 3

Pre-release article and synoptic

●        33.33% of A Level

●        2 hours of written examination

●        100 marks that consist of short-open, multiple choice, calculations and extended writing questions


Key Contact: Curriculum Leader - Mrs Qayyum (