Year 9 Options
The Year 9 Options process for selecting GCSE subjects starts in March and the details of the timeline are below:-
· Parents' Evening Monday 21st November 2024– these will take place in school with the students receiving information about each of the subjects that we offer during their lunch time tutor period. The assemblies will take place from Monday to Friday in the Assembly Hall.
· Options Assemblies W/C Monday 10th February 2025– these will take place in school with the students receiving information about each of the subjects that we offer during their lunch time tutor period. The assemblies will take place from Monday to Friday in the Assembly Hall.
· Options Evening Thursday 27th February 2025 (17.00 – 19.00) - we invite parents into Slough and Eton from 17.30 to speak to subject staff about the GCSE qualifications that we offer for Key Stage 4. These qualifications are a blend of GCSE subjects with some vocational subjects such as Vehicle Mechanics and Enterprise and Marketing. Students will also receive a grade card at Options Evening giving details of current performance and attainment in each subject.
· Meetings with Senior Leadership Team Members Tuesday 25th March 2025 (15.00 – 17.30) – you will be assigned a meeting with a member of the SLT to make final decisions about the student’s options. These will take place in school and appointments will be made via School Cloud.
· Options Form Deadline - Friday 28th March 2025 – this is the last date that changes can be made to the options form and subject choices. If the form is not handed in during the meeting with the link SLT member then it must be given to Mr Thatcher by this date.
When parents attend the Options Evening on the 29th February, they will receive an Options Form and a Grade Card. The Options Form will give details of the subjects that the student can select. There are 3 different pathways and they are detailed below. Students will have a personalised Options Form that will indicate the selected pathway based on their suitability to study different combinations of subjects.
· EBacc Pathway – students will choose a language, Geography or History and 1 other subject (plus a reserve choice). This pathway allows the students to study the English Baccalaureate, a suite of subjects that the government highly recommends students follow.
· Core Pathway – students will choose an EBacc subject – a language, Geography, History or Computer Science, and 2 other subjects (plus a reserve choice)
· Support Pathway – students will choose 1 or 2 non GCSE subjects that focus on supporting their learning at KS4 and then 1 or 2 other subjects (plus a reserve choice)
Students will have a personalised Options Form that will indicate a selected pathway based on their suitability to study different combinations of subjects.
For more information on the Options process please click the link below:
Options Evening Presentation
Core Subjects
- Art and Design
- Business Studies
- Citizenship
- Computer Science
- Design and Technology
- Food Studies
- Modern Foreign Language - French/Spanish/Urdu
- Geography
- History
- Music
- Photography
- Psychology
- Sociology
- Hairdressing and Beauty Therapy
- Achieve
- BTEC Dance
- BTEC Drama
- OCR Health and Social Care
- OCR Sports Studies
- Study Plus
- Vehicle Mechanics