

Q:  My child is sick, do I have to call in tomorrow?

 A:  Yes, as part of our safeguarding procedures it is important that you keep in contact with the school every day that your child is absent.  


Q. How can I report an absence?

A: Call 01753 520824 and press 1. Alternatively, email reception@slougheton.com and we will forward your absence to the Attendance department.


Q: What is meant by good attendance?

 A:  Anything from 95% and above is classed as good attendance. 


Q: If my child is not well in the morning can I send him/her in to school in the afternoon if he/she is feeling better?

 A: Yes, most certainly. One school day is made up of two sessions, AM/PM. 


Q: By what time do I have to report my child's absence?

 A: By 9.30am  


Q: To which email address can I send medical proof or to alert you that my child is absent from school?

A: We would prefer you to use the Weduc App to report a child absent and/or to upload any documentation.  However, if you are having trouble using this App, then email attendance@slougheton.com   


Q: What are the School day timings?

A: All details of the school day are on our website


Q: How can I get a proof of education letter.

A: We are happy to provide these, please email reception@slougheton.com with the name of your child.


Q. How can my child get Free School Meals?

A:  Please apply via Slough Borough Council https://www.slough.gov.uk/xfp/form/244


Q: Where can I purchase a PE Kit?

A: Aqua Uniforms have been supplying Slough and Eton with their PE Kit for over five years. They are now going to be supplying the PE Kit directly to parents online and in store. PE Kit cannot be purchased at the school

Please visit their website www.aquauniforms.co.uk or visit the store to place your order.


Q: What clubs are there and timings?

A: All information regarding After School Clubs are on our website


Q: Do we offer extra tuition?

A: We offer various after school clubs that are subject focused; please speak to your child's class teacher about interventions and extra tuition.