
Slough & Eton Business and Enterprise College Trust is committed to promoting the welfare and safeguarding of all students and young people who pass through our doors. 

We provide an inclusive, positive and caring environment in which students can develop to their academic, social and emotional potential.  Every adult is expected to play their part in safeguarding our students and young people; and we support this through our offer of a wide-ranging safeguarding and child protection awareness training. All staff know the procedures that should be followed should they have any concerns about a student.  All staff know where to go should they require more information, help and guidance.

All new staff receive Level 1 Safeguarding Training as part of their induction; all new staff are expected to complete a suite of Level 2 courses aimed at promoting safeguarding and student welfare: Child Protection in Education, Female Genital Mutilation, Child Sexual Exploitation, Prevent, Online Safety.  There is annual safeguarding refresher training delivered to all staff by the Designated Safeguarding Lead. 

For students who require additional support we have our own school therapists, see the Wellbeing and Mental Health page for more information.

When there are serious concerns about a student or young person’s welfare we might need to share information and work in partnership with other agencies such as Children’s Social Care or Thames Valley Police. We will ensure that our concerns are discussed with parents/carers in the first instance unless we have reason to believe that this would be contrary to the student or young person’s welfare.

If you have any welfare concerns about a student that attends Slough & Eton Business & Enterprise College  you can contact one of the safeguarding team by telephone, in person (by appointment), or through email.  If your concern is urgent it is important that you report this to one of the Safeguarding Team on the same day.  Details of our Safeguarding Team are below.



Catherine Goodyear

Designated Safeguarding Lead

Assistant Headteacher (Student Welfare)

Jamila Hussain

Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead

Personalised Learning Room Manager

Steve Thatcher

Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead

Deputy Headteacher (Curriculum and Standards)



Lidia Holland

Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead & Learning Mentor

Felicity Shallow

Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead

Assistant Headteacher (ITT & CEIAG)

Sue McCulloch

Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead   & Learning Mentor





Tel: 01753 520824


If your concerns relate to the actions of a member of staff, then you should report this directly to the Headteacher, Mr Peter Collins 01753 520824;  or to the Chair of Governors if it relates to the Headteacher

Links to the our various policies can be found on the side bar. For more useful links see below.





















Victim Support - Domestic Abuse Factsheet