Student Leadership
The views of students are very important at Slough and Eton. We have a strong pastoral system which encourages students to share their views with their Head of Year, Tutor and peers. We regularly consult the students and ask them to share their views and experiences of school using questionnaires, interviews, lesson observations and work sampling.
In addition to these ongoing systematic consultations, we also have an active and well-respected School Council which is coordinated by the President and two vice Presidents. Our School Council provides a meaningful way in which students can voice their opinions and have their views taken into account in decisions which impact upon them. It is also an important and useful way for us to provide leadership and development opportunities for our students. We believe our School Council is also an excellent way to increase student participation in school decisions and for them to learn about democracy, citizenship and the importance of accountability. Student representatives to the School Council are elected by their peers and the regularly gather the views of their year group and the broader student body. The issues raised by School Council are discussed with the Headteacher at School Council meetings and many of the students’ suggestions have led to positive changes within the school.
Youth Parliament
We are delighted that two of our Year 10 students are representing their peers at the Youth Parliament
Slough Youth Parliament. As a Youth Parliament member, they have the opportunity to represent young people in Slough and influence key decisions, policies and strategies on issues such as community safety, leisure, health and transport by being a part of both council strategic boards and external partners
Young Inspectors
Two of our Sixth form students in Year 12 joined the Young Inspectors team this year. A Young Inspector is a volunteer aged between 13-19 who will inspect services that impact children, young people and their families within Slough.
The Young Inspectors programme provides an opportunity to:
· improve confidence and self esteem
· learn new skills around communication, problem solving, information gathering and presentations
· make a positive difference to other young people in Slough
· make new friends,
· meet new people ranging from young people to senior directors
· training in inspection techniques
· volunteer accreditations
As a Young Inspector they:
· take part in training
· attend a feedback meeting, when the inspection is complete, where they discuss their findings and how to present their inspection results