Healthy Schools

Healthy Schools 

At Slough and Eton School we believe in our collective responsibility to support and enable each other to grow healthily, safely and responsibly and to become active citizens who recognise the importance of developing sustainable and positive relationships with each other and our community. 

In this respect, we fully embrace the aims of Healthy Schools and are proud to have our achievements recognised through having our Healthy Schools Award validated. Healthy Schools builds on the underlying principles of the English National Healthy School Programme and content is aligned to the Ofsted framework and guidance.

Within our school community, we want to help our students unlock their full potential and become dynamic, caring and ambitious young people. We aim to support and develop every child so they can live healthy, active lives and encourage and educate children to make positive life choices. 

There are four main focus areas attached to Healthy Schools:Emotional Wellbeing and Mental Health:

We want to ensure that our students are happy both in and outside of school. As a school we want to celebrate their successes and to ensure that all students feel valued. It is very important to us that students feel as though their voice is heard and to ensure that they seek help and advice when they need to.

Healthy Eating:

It is our aim to educate our students so that they feel empowered to make good choices in terms of the food that they eat and to understand what it means to have a healthy balanced diet and an active lifestyle. This topic is covered in many subject areas throughout our curriculum including PE, D&T and Science amongst other areas.Physical Activity:We would like our staff and students to enjoy being active and to lead healthy active lifestyles. Therefore we have an extensive extra-curricular timetable that incorporates clubs that allow students to enjoy a range of sports and other activities. PSHE:We want to ensure that all our children are educated and aware so that they can make informed and positive choices in all aspects of their life. We support this through assemblies, PSHE curriculum and in school activities.


At Slough and Eton we believe that spirituality involves the recognition of a feeling or sense or belief that there is something greater than ourselves, something more to being human than sensory experience, and that the greater whole of which we are part is cosmic or divine in nature.  We see Spirituality as recognising that our lives have significance in a context beyond a mundane everyday existence at the level of biological needs that drive selfishness and aggression. It means knowing that we are a significant part of a purposeful unfolding of Life in our universe. We enhance and facilitate this at Slough and Eton by exploring certain universal themes – love, compassion, altruism, life after death, wisdom and truth. 


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