Christian Values and Ethos

Jesus said, “I have come in order that you might have life – life in all its fullness” (John 10:10)

Our expectations of students are high both in terms of conduct and engagement with learning. We believe that the needs of each individual require the closest of attention and that strong relationships between adults and students are vital for success.

Slough and Eton is a great school.  At our heart is great teaching, great learning, great experiences and great outcomes in the context of the Christian ethos of our school.  We educate to prepare students for life in all its fullness and work hard to have happy staff and engaged students. 

Our mantra, for all members of our school community is clear and unambiguous: Work Hard, Be Nice, No Excuses.  Our expectations of students are high both in terms of conduct and engagement with learning.  We believe passionately that the needs of each individual require the closest of attention and that strong relationships between adults and students are vital for success.

The curriculum at our school is rich, varied and engaging.  We believe that the development of our students’ cultural awareness is fundamental to their success as learners and young adults.  To foster this we ensure a wide range of extra and super-curricular activities which develop essential leadership and life skills.  

Our Vision for Success

In achieving our vision for success at school we have the following ambitions for our students:

  • To be happy and resilient young people who value their education;
  • To always be punctual and rarely miss a day of school;
  • To achieve the best possible outcomes regardless of previous achievement;
  • To be inspired by their experiences, develop strong leadership skills and be motivated to work hard;
  • To have a broad outlook on their future prospects which leads them towards appropriate yet ambitious career pathways;
  • To know what they are good at and how to improve their skills;
  • To learn and socialise in a clean, tidy, fresh forward-thinking and modern-feeling school;
  • To feel a strong sense of pride and respect for their school community;
  • To value and appreciate the differences and cultures of others and enjoy the richness of life.

For everyone to succeed at Slough and Eton we are relentlessly focused on these standards:

  • High quality teaching is the ultimate key to ensuring all students achieve the best possible outcomes;
  • Teachers ensure students display excellent attitudes to learning.  Everyone will challenge off task behaviour and passive learning;
  • All lessons should make maximum use of time, be challenging and engaging for all students;
  • Disadvantage will not be a barrier to a student’s success;
  • All members of staff are responsible for improving their practice, being reflective and proactive in their professional development;
  • Students are entitled to high quality feedback from their teacher to help them improve;
  • Meaningful assessment is key to addressing underachievement and informing targeted interventions;
  • A culture of safeguarding which protects the interests of all will permeate throughout the school;
  • Working in partnership with parents is fundamental to ensuring our students are supported successfully.

In the same way that Jesus related to people from all backgrounds, beliefs and lifestyles, Slough and Eton is a Church of England community which is inclusive and seeks to treat all people like Jesus did.  We will always promote the central message that all of us are valuable and should be enabled to live life in all its fullness.



Useful Websites and Links


The local church:

Diocesan website:

Useful Links:SIAMS Report

Collective Worship Guidance

Collective Worship Rota

Collective Worship Survey

Weekly Quotes



Behaviour for Learning

Anti Bullying

Collective Worship

Equality and Inclusion

Mental Wellbeing

Relationship and Sex Education